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Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Now that Term-1 has ended, let me fix the agenda for the next few posts. I will add to the earlier introductions of some people, with whom I am closely related in ISB….to begin with I will start from my quadmates, followed by my study group and my section.
The more the time we spent with a person, the better we know that person. I never believe in the theory that one introduction is good enough to know a person well enough. “Introduction” is a complicated word and should be taken with sufficient caution. The first introduction (i.e. the first time you meet a person) might not give the best description of the individual. It is a just formal beginning and let me have the liberty to define this introduction as “Level-1” introduction. The second level of introduction gradually evolves as you spend more time with the person when the façade of “formality” gradually evaporates to bring the real self of the person. This, I will define as the “informal” introduction or “Level-2” introduction. This introduction at times can be surprisingly different from the Level-1 formal introduction. The third and the final level of introduction, according to me is how the individual describes himself in the time of crisis. Both the earlier varieties of introduction fade away tamely before the power of Level-3 introduction. But often we don’t get the chance to be introduced to an individual to this level. My level of introduction of the people in the above mentioned context is limited to earlier levels (level-1 and level-2) of introduction.

I also feel it is a good idea to write about some of my academic “take-aways” from Term-1 in a layman’s language i.e. the basic theme of the courses which were taught to us. I will try not to bring in any serious technicality and restrict myself to certain day-to-day examples.

Feeling terribly sleepy now….Eyes do need a break....Average sleeping hours/24 hrs last week has not been more than 4 hrs with very thin standard errors…. Will be back soon.

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