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Sunday, April 29, 2007


This is perhaps the most unusual post I have ever written. This is likely to be a personal mail for someone whom I never got a chance to know well enough. The interesting thing is that I still don’t know if this mail is targeted to the right person. And the unfortunate thing is that there is no other way I can trace this person out, apart from this blog.

S…If you are the same S which I am thinking you are (am I crazy…how will you know which S I mean…but maybe you are the same S and maybe you can identify this post), then wish you all the very best for your IAS final stage. I know you will crack it. Cheers.


smachary said...

Very interesting blog about quota Sabyasachi...I agree that in the universities in US the focus is more towards applying knowledge rather than just gaining knowledge. I still remember cramming up all those formulas in engineering without the slightest idea of where to use them and no wonder I do not remember even a single one of those formulas.
I think this is not the context in which you had written the blog, but the blog was so interesting, I had to leave a comment :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I got through.

Sabyasachi said...

Congratulations S....

My heartiest congratulations and very best wishes for a great path ahead....

Its great to see people from Orissa going places....


Sabyasachi said...


Education in India and US are so different...

keep posting comments..