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Sunday, September 09, 2007


While reading “Crossings”, I came across a very lovely line…. “Why did not my path cross yours earlier”….What a beautiful statement….expresses so many emotions so easily…

Whenever we know someone today, it’s because at some point of time in the past, our paths crossed…the crossing might not be strictly personal….it can be as simple as an impact of any actions of that person that influenced us.

Sometimes we can do a lot when out paths cross…and sometimes we remain as helpless as a dead man, just expecting time to take the charge….


Anonymous said...

very true, sabya. Well, if I understand clearly (do a lot) as in work at a relationship, I have a feeling, yes ,its true, People are complacent and not really proactive as they ought to be. As far as dependence on time goes, I think a little bit of it would be wise, but too much of it might let the relationship go awry ..-k.m (hope the comment made sense to you and was in relevance with ur post)

Sabyasachi said...

u r right on target...People good in literature are also good at psychology...u proved it...

Anonymous said...

oh thanx sabya. Actually, I can relate to this relatinship scene pretty well. -k.m

rachana said...

Truly a beautiful statement reflecting so many meanings in few words...

I agree with your interpretation that we meet people or we do something,is all in relation with some past event of our life.

Recently read a new psychiatric therapy having foundation as regression to past life.Surely, the author had even scientific basis to that statement in additon to emotional and spiritual touch.

No wonder its said that soul is eternal, its the body which changes.

So, next time you like someone or even if u dont like someone, blame it to your past;-)

Sabyasachi said... well u believe in the eternity of soul??

rachana said...

yes, very much..!!!