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Monday, August 06, 2007


Weekend was nice and sweet and nostalgic for two lovely reasons…one, I got to meet my quad mates and second I read “Kane & Abel” again. I had fallen in love with this book when I read it for the first time…long back. Brushed myself with the evergreen excitement of this book…. felt like it was not enough…wanted to continue with a copy of Prodigal Daughter, which was not with me then…

The other book which I read was “Disgrace” by J.M.Coetzee…not exactly my kind of book…. but the number of awards this book has won, guarantees a massive fan following.


Anonymous said...

kane& Abel is an all time fav. of mine as well. Read 'Thorn Birds' by colleen Mccllough. U'll thank me for reccommending it to u. -k.m

Sabyasachi said...

Will definitely get hold of it....

Enakshi said...

Howz life?
Looks like you are having fun with books and friends!

Sabyasachi said...

Hi after ISB is so different...

Hope you are having a great time in Calcutta..